The rise of online betting has often been referred to as being likely to bring an end to the days of the old-fashioned brick-and-mortar casino. In some cases, this has in fact been mentioned in debates over whether nations or states should legalise online casinos. If people are going to be able to bet at home, the theory goes, there will be no incentive for them to go out to casinos and place bets there. It should be said that, where online casino betting is legal, this has not had any apparent effect on the success of land-based casinos.
But regardless of that, the central point of the debate needs to be addressed. Is it more fun, more beneficial, more sensible to bet online rather than going to an offline casino? That’s a separate issue, and the number of people who check ukonlinecasinoslist.com for advice on picking a casino are entitled to know whether it is a more suitable choice for them to bet online. While we can’t make the choice for anyone, we can indicate some points worth focusing on.
The social aspect of offline casinos
A casino night with friends can be great fun. In many senses, the gambling element of the occasion will be of secondary importance to the enjoyment that arises from getting dressed up and meeting friends to have drinks and potentially dinner – and also play some games, of course – in a stylish casino. That’s something that you’ll never get with an online casino, and it might not even be something you want. It is, however, a major reason why online and offline casinos can coexist; they offer different experiences.
Online casinos offer better chances to win
If your purpose in playing casino games is to potentially win some money, then it has to be said that the better choice is to play online. This isn’t some conspiracy about the way brick-and-mortar casinos are run; it’s a simple question of economics. Online casinos can offer better RTP and lower house edges because they don’t have to pay all the (substantial) overhead costs of running a casino venue. From staff wages, to heating the building, to the electricity bills on all those machines, a land-based casino is paying out much more than the fairly minimal expenses incurred by an online one.
You have more control in an online casino
We’ve all read about the tricks a land-based casino can play to ensure that you spend more time, and therefore more money in their establishment. None of these are illegal or even particularly underhand. But many offline casinos will not have any clocks anywhere on site, some will “comp” you drinks to lower your inhibitions or even offer a free meal so you don’t go somewhere else. For an online casino, you’ll be at a computer or on a phone with a clock readily attached, and you have a kitchen you can go to for food and drinks. There is less an online casino can do to keep you playing, so you can call it a night whenever you want